Manual Digitizing with Hatch Embroidery

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Manual Digitizing blog

What is Embroidery Digitizing?

Before you can learn to master manual Digitizing with Hatch Embroidery, you need to learn what embroidery digitizing is.

There is nothing more rewarding than creating your own embroidery designs and seeing your projects all the way through from design to stitch-out.

You can easily create basic and complex shapes or, if you want to use the expert lingo, “embroidery objects” with Hatch Embroidery Digitizer. These can be closed objects (filled or outlined) or open objects (outline). Choose from a huge variety of fills and effects or outline stitch types and a whole lot of amazing tools and features to create something fantastic in no time. 

Digitizing Embroidery Objects

There are 80 shapes ready to use in Hatch Embroidery Digitizer that you can edit by reshaping, recoloring, changing fill or outline types, or you can digitize your own from scratch using an artwork.

Using Existing Shapes in Hatch Embroidery

Watch this video by Lindee Goodall for a good overview of the various digitizing tools and features in Hatch Embroidery Digitizer and also on how to choose a shape, resize it as you wish, change the color, and assign a stitch type to it to have a a digitized embroidery design super easy! You will also see how to use the Freehand digitizing tools.

Using Artwork to Create Embroidery Designs

It is very easy to import artwork (drawing, clipart, etc.) into the software and turn them into beautiful embroidery designs. Lindee Goodall shows you how in the video below.

Watch this video to see how to manually digitize a simple artwork with Hatch Embroidery Digitizer.

You might also want to check out this useful blog article that includes a series of digitizing videos by Kim Goodwin, who gives great tips on avoiding common pitfalls by highlighting important elements of the embroidery digitizing process.

Manual Digitizing class with Kim

For more in-depth information and more exciting digitizing tools and features, read the digitizing section of the Hatch Embroidery User Guide.

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